A Diamond in the Rough

Victor Pribyl
6 min readJan 13, 2024

Ever heard of imposter syndrome?

Suffered from it yourself a time or two, maybe?

I know I feel that way right now.

I’m writing this because I feel like I have so much value I can share, especially with guys and girls under 30 like me, but all I can think about is “Why would they listen to me?”

I’ll be honest, I haven’t found a great answer to that yet, but I’ll share with you why I believe my message is uniquely impactful to our generation, and if I may be so bold, why you should listen to what I’ve got to say. I may not be a household name, or a full-blown industry leader and expert yet, but I do believe I’m a diamond in the rough.

If you want the TL;DR, here it is: I’m just a normal guy, trying to do what’s right, finding my way in this world, and doing everything in my power to set myself, and my family, up for financial success, now, and for decades to come, and want to teach as many others as I can to do the same. Skip down to the bottom if you’d like to learn the 3 most impactful financial lessons I’ve learned in the last 6 months.

Arguably, there are likely tens of thousands of people who would say they want that exact same thing I said I’m doing.

My question would be, what are they doing to achieve it? How much time and effort do they spend learning how to actually attain it? I assure you the majority aren’t putting in the time or effort to dive deep into what gets results and can change your life like I am.

I truly am normal, just like most of you reading this. By normal I mean I work a 9 to 5, I’ve got a wife and 3 kids, I don’t have a bunch of money saved up anywhere, and no rich family to give me millions when they die. That said, I am blessed. More than I deserve. I have a comfortable place to call home, a beautiful family, and we’re all happy and healthy, thank God.

What I have done that sets me apart is surround myself with mentors and industry giants to learn all I can to ensure the success and security of my family’s financial future is all but guaranteed.

So, why am I telling you all this?

More than anything, I want to be relatable.

I despise feeling like I’m being talked down to, or preached at. I don’t think anyone really enjoys that feeling, but I detest it more than most. It’s one of the qualms I have with the “gurus” of today. I just feel like they’re so far from where I’m at and who I am, no matter how kind and genuine they may seem.

I know we don’t know each other, but I’d love for you to read this [and all of my other content 😉] as if I were your friend. Someone who truly cares about you, and your situation, and just wants to see you win. Advice coming from your equal, not someone lightyears ahead of where you may be.

I recognize that perspective sort of spits in the face of life advice often given by successful people: “Never listen to anyone unless they have what you want to have or are living the way you want to live.”

Believe me, I typically abide by that adage myself! So why would you listen to someone who hasn’t done what you want to do or ‘walked where you want to go’ so to speak? As a friend, I’m just asking you to make an exception and hear me out.

I have built a network around me of knowledgeable and successful individuals, all I’ve lacked is the execution to take me to their level. The knowledge and relationships are there, and this is me working towards the execution necessary to get to be where they are now.

If you’ve read this far, I’m sure you’re about done hearing my justifications and would like to learn something, yeah?

Here goes.

  1. If you have over six figures of student loan debt and you don’t have a game plan to pay them back that involves significantly reducing your monthly payment, you are leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table that you could keep for yourself and for your family.
  2. For you homeowners, you can pay off your mortgage 5 to 10 years faster, without making extra monthly [or bi-monthly] payments towards your mortgage, all while ensuring your home gets paid off should you find yourself 6-feet-under sooner than you’d expected.
  3. If you’re relying on bank loans and credit cards to fund your business and personal life expenses [vehicles, equipment, operating expenses, etc.], odds are, you are letting a lot of dollars leave your wallet that could be working for you, instead of for someone else.

Student loans are a headache none of us want to deal with after the nearly 3 year pause we enjoyed from having to pay them. Unfortunately, reality is, they need to be paid, one way or another. Why not ensure you’re paying them back in a way that serves your best interest rather than ‘their’ best interest? A simple strategy, involving leveraging government programs that have been in place for decades, could mean the difference between $0 and multiple $100s of thousands in 20–25 years. Is it safe to say its worth a 10 minute conversation to be educated on how that process works? You tell me.

Now, when it comes to a family’s home, I’d argue there’s no single possession with more physical or emotional importance. A home is where you put your head down at night, where you raise your kids, where you sit and enjoy dinner every night. What kind of peace of mind would it bring to know that, whether you live or die, your home is paid off and your family has a place to live no matter what. I’d say that kind of peace is hard to come by. What strategy do you currently have that would ensure your family doesn’t have to pick up and leave if times get tough, or god forbid you or your spouse are no longer around? How valuable would it be to know you could pay your home off quicker, all while being more liquid [cash $$$] than ever before? Something to think about.

Finally, have you ever sat and thought about how much interest you’re paying to the people who’ve lent you money. Look at your mortgage, your auto loans, your credit card statements, etc. All of those bills and ‘necessities’ are bleeding you dry with the interest they take every month. What kind of difference would it make to be able to put all that money back in your pocket? I’d love to share with you how I’ve started to do just that.

I’ll be honest with you, I am not an expert in every one of these areas, but my superpower is knowing who to turn to, and point you to, to get you the results you are looking for.

One of the greatest compliments I’ve ever received is that ‘I am a connector of people.’

I would love to connect you with the person that can help you achieve your financial goals and dreams; whether that person be me or someone I know can get you there.

I’d love to connect with you personally, please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or find me on Instagram @vpribyl. Making new friends and valuable connections is my favorite thing in the world, it would be my pleasure to get to know you and serve you.

Here’s to your continued success



Victor Pribyl

Connector. Creator. Investor. and Problem Solver. I’m a BIG fan of creating synergistic partnerships by bringing valuable ideas and relationships together.